kevin von erich peredo

Fullstack Developer

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Hello! I'm a fullstack developer with a passion for building beautiful and functional web applications. With three years of experience in software development, I've had the opportunity to work with a variety of frontend tools and technologies including HTML, CSS, ReactJS, TypeScript, and more. I'm also expanding my knowledge of fullstack development using tools like TRPC, Prisma, Vercel, and AWS.

In this portfolio, you'll find examples of my work, including some of the web applications I've built. Please feel free to take a look and get in touch if you're interested in working together. I'm always looking for new challenges and opportunities to collaborate with other talented people.


November 2023 - Present

Software Engineer Technical Lead at Lexagle Inc.

Makati City, Philippines
ReactJSTypescriptJavascriptMaterial UIHTMLCSSFigmaGitKotlinSpring BootPostgreSQL
  • Lead and mentor a team of software engineers in the design, development, and maintenance of features and optimizations for the Lexagle platform
  • Facilitate all aspects of sprint ceremonies, ensuring seamless coordination and communication within the team. Manage sprint planning, review, retrospective, and daily stand-up meetings to enhance efficiency and collaboration throughout the development process
  • Conduct regular code reviews, provide constructive feedback, and enforce coding standards to maintain code quality and foster a collaborative and learning-oriented team environment
  • Spearhead the enhancement of the Lexagle design system library, aligning it with the brand identity and ensuring its seamless integration across the entire platform
May 2021 - November 2023

Junior Software Engineer at Lexagle Inc.

Makati City, Philippines
ReactJSTypescriptJavascriptMaterial UIHTMLCSSFigmaGitKotlinSpring BootPostgreSQL
  • Worked closely with product managers to translate business requirements and user stories into new features and optimizations for the Lexagle platform and UI/UX designers to translate mockups and prototypes to working UI interfaces
  • Designed, implemented, and maintained a design system library based on the Lexagle’s brand identity used throughout the platform
  • Performed bug fixes and code reviews, participated in the product development cycle, and collaborated with team members to implement features and changes to the web application
Feb 2020 - April 2021

Software Engineer at SQREEM Technologies Pte.

Quezon City, Philippines
  • Designed and developed performant web applications based on design wireframes, for commercial and internal use, using both open-source and proprietary web technologies
  • Used skills in debugging to check, refactor and optimize codebases to enhance user experience of web applications
  • Suggested trending and tested web technologies that could minimize development time, optimize existing applications, and provide efficient web development


Aug 2014 - May 2019

BS Electronics Engineering at Saint Louis University

Baguio City, Philippines
  • Dean’s lister for a total of 8 semesters

Licenses & Certificates

July 2021

Testing React with Jest and Testing Library

Sep 2020

Modern React with Redux

Nov 2019

Electronics Engineer and Electronics Technician

Professional Regulation Commission


Finance Tracker

March 2024


A finance tracker web application built with React, Remix, and Tailwind and deployed in Vercel. I created this project to help me track my own expenses and savings and also to practice my skills in building fullstack applications. This is an ongoing project that I plan to expand with more features such as investment tracking, dashboard analytics, and expense categorization.

Astro Personal Portfolio

March 2023


An Astro-based web portfolio deployed in Vercel designed to showcase my skills and projects. I migrated my portfolio from Next.js to Astro after realizing that my site is mostly static and I wanted to prioritize site performance by reducing the amount of JavaScript. To ensure that my portfolio design was sleek and modern, I used a clean typography and a restrained color palette to create an elegant, understated look.

NextJS Personal Portfolio

June 2022

NextJSReactJSTypescriptVercelFramer MotionCSS ModulesFigma

A Next.js personal portfolio. I created this showcase my extensive range of projects, along with a comprehensive overview of my relevant skills, abilities, and information. I chose NextJS as the framework because of its features such as built-in SEO optimization, automatic image optimization, and server-side rendering.


Nov 2020


A note-taking app using React and Redux, designed in Figma, and deployed using Firebase. This is my first major personal project made in React after I finished the React and Redux course. Current features include a scratchpad for quick note-taking and a note section for more complicated formatting.

Landslide Detection Interface

May 2019


A user interface for displaying landslide sensors data into graphs and text. Code base uses HTML, CSS and JavaScript (interface) and C/C++ (Arduino). This interface was primarily used for our thesis in the 5th year (ECE) and it served as a meaningful guide for the data from our landslide sensors.
